Definition of Requisition in English :

Define Requisition in English

Requisition meaning in English

Meaning of Requisition in English

Pronunciation of Requisition in English

Requisition pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of requisition


1. requisition

the act of requiring; an authoritative request or demand, especially by a military or public authority that takes something over (usually temporarily) for military or public use

2. requisition, requisition form

an official form on which a request in made

Example Sentences:
'first you have to fill out the requisition'

3. requisition, sequestration

seizing property that belongs to someone else and holding it until profits pay the demand for which it was seized


4. requisition

make a formal request for official services

5. requisition

demand and take for use or service, especially by military or public authority for public service

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of requisition
a request or demand, esp an authoritative or formal one
an official form on which such a demand is made
the act of taking something over, esp temporarily for military or public use in time of emergency
a necessary or essential condition; requisite
a formal request by one government to another for the surrender of a fugitive from justice
verb (transitive)
to demand and take for use or service, esp by military or public authority
7. (may take an infinitive)
to require (someone) formally to do (something)
to requisition a soldier to drive a staff officer's car

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of requisition
a requiring, as by right or authority; formal demand
a formal written order, request, or application, as for equipment, tools, etc.
the state of being demanded for service or use
4.  Rare
a requirement; indispensable condition
5.  Law
a demand by one government upon another for the surrender of a fugitive criminal
verb transitive
to demand or take, as by authority
to requisition food for troops
7.  Rare
to demand from; make demands on
to requisition a town for food
to submit a written order or request for (equipment, etc.)

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of requisition
1. A formal written request for something needed.
2. A necessity; a requirement.
3. The state or condition of being needed or put into service.
4. Law A formal request of one government to another demanding the return of a criminal or fugitive.
tr.v. req·ui·si·tioned, req·ui·si·tion·ing, req·ui·si·tions
1. To demand, as for military needs.
2. To make demands of.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.