Definition of Wrenching in English :

Define Wrenching in English

Wrenching meaning in English

Meaning of Wrenching in English

Pronunciation of Wrenching in English

Wrenching pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of wrenching


1. racking, wrenching

causing great physical or mental suffering

Example Sentences:
'a wrenching pain'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of wrenching
to give (something) a sudden or violent twist or pull esp so as to remove (something) from that to which it is attached
to wrench a door off its hinges
2. (transitive)
to twist suddenly so as to sprain (a limb)
to wrench one's ankle
3. (transitive)
to give pain to
4. (transitive)
to twist from the original meaning or purpose
5. (intransitive)
to make a sudden twisting motion
a forceful twist or pull
an injury to a limb, caused by twisting
sudden pain caused esp by parting
a parting that is difficult or painful to make
a distorting of the original meaning or purpose
a spanner, esp one with adjustable jaws
See also torque wrench

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of wrenching
a sudden, sharp twist or pull
an injury caused by a twist or jerk, as to the back, a joint, etc.
a sudden feeling of grief, anguish, etc., as at parting with someone
any of a number of tools used for holding and turning nuts, bolts, pipes, etc.
a false or strained interpretation of an original meaning
verb transitive
to twist, pull, or jerk suddenly and violently
to injure (a part of the body) with a twist or wrench
to distort, strain, or give a false interpretation of (a meaning, statement, etc.)
verb intransitive
to pull or tug (at something) with a wrenching movement

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of wrenching
1. Any of various hand or power tools, often having fixed or adjustable jaws, used for gripping, turning, or twisting objects such as nuts, bolts, or pipes, typically at an angle perpendicular to the object's axis.
2. A sudden, forcible twist, turn, or pull: gave the steering wheel a wrench.
3. An injury produced by twisting or straining: The fall gave my ankle a wrench.
4. A sudden feeling of compassion, sorrow, or anguish, or an act that causes such feeling: "Bidding goodbye to Buss was a wrench" (Edna O'Brien).
5. A distortion in the original form or meaning of something written or spoken; a twisted interpretation.
v. wrenched, wrench·ing, wrench·es
a. To twist, turn, or pull suddenly and forcibly: wrenched the door open.
b. To twist and sprain: I wrenched my knee.
c. To turn using a wrench: wrenched the nut onto the bolt.
a. To move, extract, or force free by twisting, turning, or pulling forcibly: wrenched the nail out of the board.
b. To free (oneself or a body part) by twisting, turning, or pulling: wrenched his arm from the thug's grasp.
3. To upset the feelings or emotions of; distress: Grief wrenched her heart.
4. To interpret unreasonably or inaccurately; distort: wrenched the text to prove her point.
1. To give a twist, turn, or pull: wrenched at the window trying to open it.
2. To cause distress: The memory wrenched at his conscience.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.