Definition of Wanted in English :

Define Wanted in English

Wanted meaning in English

Meaning of Wanted in English

Pronunciation of Wanted in English

Wanted pronunciation in English

Pronounce Wanted in English


see synonyms of wanted


1. wanted

desired or wished for or sought

Example Sentences:
'couldn't keep her eyes off the wanted toy'
'a wanted criminal'
'a wanted poster'

2. cherished, precious, treasured, wanted

characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for

Example Sentences:
'a cherished friend'
'children are precious'
'a treasured heirloom'
'so good to feel wanted'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of wanted
being searched for by the police in connection with a crime that has been committed

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of wanted
v. want·ed, want·ing, wants
a. To have a strong feeling to have (something); wish (to possess or do something); desire greatly: She wants a glass of water. They want to leave. See Synonyms at desire.
b. To desire (someone to do something): I want you to clean your room.
a. To request the presence or assistance of: You are wanted by your office.
b. To seek with intent to capture: The fugitive is wanted by the police.
3. To have an inclination toward; like: Say what you want, but be tactful.
4. Informal To be obliged (to do something): You want to be careful on the ice.
5. To be in need of; require: "'Your hair wants cutting,' said the Hatter" (Lewis Carroll).
6. To be without; lack.
To be inclined or desirous; wish: Call me daily if you want.
1. The condition or quality of lacking something usual or necessary: stayed home for want of anything better to do.
2. Pressing need; destitution: lives in want.
3. Something desired: a person of few wants and needs.
4. A defect of character; a fault.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.