Definition of Walk Around in English :

Define Walk Around in English

Walk Around meaning in English

Meaning of Walk Around in English

Pronunciation of Walk Around in English

Walk Around pronunciation in English

Pronounce Walk Around in English

Walk Around

see synonyms of walk around


1. perambulate, walk about, walk around

walk with no particular goal

Example Sentences:
'we were walking around in the garden'
'after breakfast, she walked about in the park'

2. circumambulate, walk around

walk around something

3. walk around

behave in a certain manner or have certain properties

Example Sentences:
'He walks around with his nose in the air'
'She walks around with this strange boyfriend'

4. walk around

walk randomly

Example Sentences:
'We were walking around in the neighborhood to see whether we could find an open drugstore'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.