Definition of Sulphuric Acid in English :

Define Sulphuric Acid in English

Sulphuric Acid meaning in English

Meaning of Sulphuric Acid in English

Pronunciation of Sulphuric Acid in English

Sulphuric Acid pronunciation in English

Pronounce Sulphuric Acid in English

Sulphuric Acid

see synonyms of sulphuric acid


1. oil of vitriol, sulfuric acid, sulphuric acid, vitriol

(H2SO4) a highly corrosive acid made from sulfur dioxide; widely used in the chemical industry

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Sulphuric Acid

see synonyms of sulphuric acid
a colourless dense oily corrosive liquid produced by the reaction of sulphur trioxide with water and used in accumulators and in the manufacture of fertilizers, dyes, and explosives. Formula: H2SO4
. Systematic name: sulphuric(VI) acid

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