Definition of Subscribed in English :

Define Subscribed in English

Subscribed meaning in English

Meaning of Subscribed in English

Pronunciation of Subscribed in English

Subscribed pronunciation in English

Pronounce Subscribed in English


see synonyms of subscribed


1. subscribed

(of a contract or will or other document) having a signature written at the end

Example Sentences:
'the subscribed will'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of subscribed
1. (usually foll by to)
to pay or promise to pay (a sum of money) as a contribution (to a fund or charity, for a magazine, etc), esp at regular intervals
to inscribe or sign (one's name, etc) at the end of a contract, will, or other document
3. (intransitive; foll by to)
to give support or approval
to subscribe to the theory of transubstantiation

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of subscribed
verb transitiveWord forms: subˈscribed or subˈscribing
to sign (one's name) at the end of a document, etc.
to write one's signature on (a document, etc.) as an indication of consent, approval, attestation, etc.
to support; consent to; favor; sanction
to promise to contribute (a sum of money), esp. by signing a pledge
verb intransitive
to sign one's name at the end of a document, etc.
to give support, sanction, or approval; consent or agree (to)
to subscribe to certain measures
to promise to contribute, or to give, a sum of money
to register or be registered to pay for and receive a periodical, service, theater tickets, etc. for a specified period of time (with to)

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of subscribed
v. sub·scribed, sub·scrib·ing, sub·scribes
1. To pledge or contribute (a sum of money).
a. To sign (one's name) at the end of a document, especially to attest to or authenticate it.
b. To sign one's name to (a document) in attestation, testimony, or consent: subscribe a will.
3. To purchase or claim the shares of (a new issue of stock, bonds, or other securities): a bond offering that is fully subscribed.
a. To contract to receive and pay for a certain number of issues of a publication, for access to a website that is protected by a paywall, for tickets to a series of events or performances, or for a utility service, for example.
b. To agree to an ongoing arrangement by which one receives online content, as from a specific website or a specific user on a website.
2. To promise to pay or contribute money: subscribe to a charity.
3. To purchase or claim shares of a new issue of stock, bonds, or other securities: an investor who subscribed for 100 shares.
4. To feel or express hearty approval: I subscribe to your opinion. See Synonyms at assent.
5. To sign one's name to a document.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.