Definition of Standing in English :

Define Standing in English

Standing meaning in English

Meaning of Standing in English

Pronunciation of Standing in English

Standing pronunciation in English

Pronounce Standing in English


see synonyms of standing


1. standing

social or financial or professional status or reputation

Example Sentences:
'of equal standing'
'a member in good standing'

2. standing

an ordered listing of scores or results showing the relative positions of competitors (individuals or teams) in a sporting event

3. standing

the act of assuming or maintaining an erect upright position


4. standing

having a supporting base

Example Sentences:
'a standing lamp'

5. standing

not created for a particular occasion

Example Sentences:
'a standing committee'

6. standing

(of fluids) not moving or flowing

Example Sentences:
'mosquitoes breed in standing water'

7. standing

executed in or initiated from a standing position

Example Sentences:
'race from a standing start'
'a standing jump'
'a standing ovation'

8. standing

(of persons) on the feet; having the torso in an erect position supported by straight legs

Example Sentences:
'standing room only'

9. standing


Example Sentences:
'a standing army'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of standing
social or financial position, status, or reputation
a person of some standing
length of existence, experience, etc
3. (modifier)
used to stand in or on
standing room
4. athletics
(of the start of a race) begun from a standing position without the use of starting blocks
(of a jump, leap, etc) performed from a stationary position without a run-up
5. (prenominal)
permanent, fixed, or lasting
6. (prenominal)
still or stagnant
a standing pond
7. printing
(of type) set and stored for future use
Compare dead (sense 17)

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of standing
the act, state, or position of a person or thing that stands
a place to stand; standing room
status, position, rank, or reputation
in good standing
b.  [pl.]
a list showing rank or order, as in achievement, resources, etc.
team standings in a league
duration or length of service, existence, membership, etc.
a record of long standing
upright or erect
a standing position
done or made in or from a standing position
a standing jump
not flowing; stagnant, as water
going on regularly without change; lasting; permanent
a standing order
stationary; not movable
not in use; idle
said as of a machine
11.  Printing
set and stored for future use
said as of type

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of standing
a. Status with respect to rank, reputation, or position in society or a profession: obsessed with their low social standing.
b. High reputation; esteem: a person of standing in the community.
2. Continuance in time; duration: a friendship of long standing.
3. Law The right or capacity of a party to assert a particular cause of action in a court of law, based on such factors as whether the party is authorized by law to sue and has sufficient stake in the outcome to ensure that the case will be properly presented.
4. The act of one that stands: sore feet from standing for so long.
5. standings Sports A listing of individual competitors or of teams in a league according to their record of performance.
a. Remaining upright; erect.
b. Not cut down: standing timber.
2. Performed or done from a standing position: a standing jump; a standing ovation.
3. Permanent and unchanging; fixed.
4. Remaining in force or use indefinitely: a standing invitation.
5. Not movable; stationary.
6. Not flowing or circulating; stagnant.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.