Definition of Snips in English :

Define Snips in English

Snips meaning in English

Meaning of Snips in English

Pronunciation of Snips in English

Snips pronunciation in English

Pronounce Snips in English


see synonyms of snips


1. snips, tinsnips

(plural) hand shears for cutting sheet metal

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of snips
plural noun
a small pair of shears used for cutting sheet metal
. Also called: tinsnips

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of snips
v. snipped, snip·ping, snips
To cut, clip, or separate (something) with short, quick strokes.
To cut or clip with short, quick strokes.
1. An instance of snipping or the sound produced by snipping.
a. A small cut made with scissors or shears.
b. A small piece cut or clipped off.
c. A bit or scrap: snips of information about the merger.
3. Informal
a. One that is small or slight in size or stature.
b. A person regarded as impertinent or mischievous.
4. snips (used with a sing. or pl. verb) Hand shears used in cutting sheet metal.
5. Slang Something easily accomplished.

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