Definition of Sniff in English :

Define Sniff in English

Sniff meaning in English

Meaning of Sniff in English

Pronunciation of Sniff in English

Sniff pronunciation in English

Pronounce Sniff in English


see synonyms of sniff


1. sniff, snuff

sensing an odor by inhaling through the nose


2. sniff, whiff

perceive by inhaling through the nose

Example Sentences:
'sniff the perfume'

3. sniff, sniffle

inhale audibly through the nose

Example Sentences:
'the sick student was sniffling in the back row'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of sniff
to inhale through the nose, usually in short rapid audible inspirations, as for the purpose of identifying a scent, for clearing a congested nasal passage, or for taking a drug or intoxicating fumes
2. (when intr, often foll by at)
to perceive or attempt to perceive (a smell) by inhaling through the nose
the act or sound of sniffing
a smell perceived by sniffing, esp a faint scent

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of sniff
verb intransitive
to draw in air through the nose with enough force to be heard, as in clearing the nose or smelling something
to express disdain, skepticism, etc. by sniffing
verb transitive
to breathe in forcibly through the nose; draw in or inhale nasally
to smell (a substance) by sniffing
to detect, perceive, or get a suspicion of by or as by sniffing
often with out
an act or sound of sniffing
something sniffed

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of sniff
v. sniffed, sniff·ing, sniffs
a. To inhale a short, audible breath through the nose, as in smelling something.
b. To sniffle.
2. To use the sense of smell, as in savoring or investigating: sniffed at the jar to see what it held.
3. To regard something in a contemptuous or dismissive manner: The critics sniffed at the adaptation of the novel to film.
4. Informal To pry; snoop: The reporters came sniffing around for more details.
1. To inhale forcibly through the nose: sniffed the cool morning air.
2. To smell, as in savoring or investigating: sniffed the lilacs; sniffed the breeze for traces of smoke.
3. To perceive or detect by or as if by sniffing: dogs that sniffed out the trail through the snow; sniffed trouble ahead.
4. To utter in a contemptuous or haughty manner: The countess sniffed her disapproval.
1. An instance or the sound of sniffing.
2. Something sniffed or perceived by or as if by sniffing; a whiff: a sniff of perfume; a sniff of scandal.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.