Definition of Smelling in English :

Define Smelling in English

Smelling meaning in English

Meaning of Smelling in English

Pronunciation of Smelling in English

Smelling pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of smelling


1. smell, smelling

the act of perceiving the odor of something


2. redolent, smelling

(used with of' or with') noticeably odorous

Example Sentences:
'the hall was redolent of floor wax'
'air redolent with the fumes of beer and whiskey'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of smelling
a. The sense, located in the nasal cavities of mammals and relying on the olfactory nerves, by which molecules borne in a fluid such as air can be perceived; the olfactory sense.
b. A similar sense in other animals, as insects' ability to perceive air-borne molecules with their antennae.
2. The act or an instance of smelling: got a smell of the pie.
a. A quality of something that is perceived by the sense of smell; an odor: the smell of a barn.
b. A distinctive enveloping or characterizing quality; an aura or trace: the smell of success.
v. smelled or smelt (smĕlt), smell·ing, smells
a. To perceive (an odor) by the sense of smell.
b. To perceive or detect (something) by a chemosensory organ, such as an antenna.
2. To inhale the air near (something); sniff: smiled as she smelled the rose.
3. To detect or discover, as by intuition or inference: We smelled trouble ahead. The committee tried to smell out corruption in law enforcement.
1. To use the sense of smell.
2. To sniff: The dog was smelling around the bed.
a. To have or emit an odor: "The breeze smelled exactly like Vouvrayflowery, with a hint of mothballs underneath" (Anne Tyler).
b. To have or emit an unpleasant odor; stink: This closet smells.
a. To be suggestive; have a touch of something: a remark that smells of sanctimony.
b. To appear to be dishonest or corrupt: The political situation is starting to smell.

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