Definition of Scoopful in English :

Define Scoopful in English

Scoopful meaning in English

Meaning of Scoopful in English

Pronunciation of Scoopful in English

Scoopful pronunciation in English

Pronounce Scoopful in English


see synonyms of scoopful


1. scoop, scoopful

the quantity a scoop will hold

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of scoopful
nounWord forms: plural ˈscoopˌfuls
as much as a scoop will hold

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of scoopful
a. A shovellike utensil, usually having a deep curved dish and a short handle: a flour scoop.
b. A thick-handled cuplike utensil for dispensing balls of ice cream or other semisoft food, often having a sweeping band in the cup that is levered by the thumb to free the contents.
c. A ladle; a dipper.
d. An implement for bailing water from a boat.
e. A narrow, spoon-shaped instrument for surgical extraction in cavities or cysts.
f. A bucket or shovel of a dredge, backhoe, or other digging machine.
g. The amount that any of these utensils, implements, or containers can hold: ate two scoops of ice cream.
2. A scooping movement or action: made a nice scoop to catch the ball.
3. Informal
a. An exclusive news story acquired by luck or initiative before a competitor.
b. Current information or details: What's the scoop on the new neighbors?
4. A rounded, usually low-cut neckline, as on a blouse or dress. Also called scoop neck, scoop neckline.
5. A hollow area; a cavity.
6. An opening, as on the body of a motor vehicle, by which a fluid is directed inward: "The [sports car] has ... enough scoops and spoilers to get you a citation just standing still" (Mark Weinstein).
tr.v. scooped, scoop·ing, scoops
1. To take up and often reposition with a scoop: scooped popcorn into a bag.
2. To hollow out by digging.
3. To pick up, gather, or collect swiftly and smoothly: scoop up a handful of jelly beans.
4. Informal To top or outmaneuver (a competitor) in acquiring and publishing an important news story.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.