Definition of Ranked in English :

Define Ranked in English

Ranked meaning in English

Meaning of Ranked in English

Pronunciation of Ranked in English

Ranked pronunciation in English

Pronounce Ranked in English


see synonyms of ranked


1. graded, ranked, stratified

arranged in a sequence of grades or ranks

Example Sentences:
'stratified areas of the distribution'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of ranked
a. A relative position in a society.
b. An official position or grade: the rank of sergeant.
c. A relative position or degree of value in a graded group.
d. High or eminent station or position: persons of rank.
2. A row, line, series, or range.
a. A line of soldiers, vehicles, or equipment standing side by side in close order.
b. ranks The armed forces.
c. ranks Personnel, especially enlisted military personnel.
4. ranks A body of people classed together; numbers: joined the ranks of the unemployed.
5. Games Any of the rows of squares running crosswise to the files on a playing board in chess or checkers.
v. ranked, rank·ing, ranks
1. To place in a row or rows.
2. To give a particular order or position to; classify.
3. To outrank or take precedence over.
1. To hold a particular rank: ranked first in the class.
2. To form or stand in a row or rows.
3. Slang
a. To complain.
b. To engage in carping criticism. Often used with on: Stop ranking on me all the time.

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