Definition of Put To Sleep in English :

Define Put To Sleep in English

Put To Sleep meaning in English

Meaning of Put To Sleep in English

Pronunciation of Put To Sleep in English

Put To Sleep pronunciation in English

Pronounce Put To Sleep in English

Put To Sleep

see synonyms of put to sleep


1. put to sleep

help someone go to bed

Example Sentences:
'Mother put the baby to sleep'

2. put away, put to sleep

kill gently, as with an injection

Example Sentences:
'the cat was very ill and we had to put it to sleep'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Put To Sleep

see synonyms of put to sleep
v. put, put·ting, puts
1. To place in a specified location; set: She put the books on the table.
2. To cause to be in a specified condition: His gracious manners put me at ease.
3. To cause (one) to undergo something; subject: The interrogators put the prisoner to torture.
4. To assign; attribute: They put a false interpretation on events.
5. To estimate: We put the time at five o'clock.
6. To impose or levy: The governor has put a tax on cigarettes.
7. Games To wager (a stake); bet: put $50 on a horse.
8. Sports To hurl with an overhand pushing motion: put the shot.
9. To bring up for consideration or judgment: put a question to the judge.
10. To express; state: I put my objections bluntly.
11. To render in a specified language or literary form: put prose into verse.
12. To adapt: The lyrics had been put to music.
13. To urge or force to an action: a mob that put the thief to flight.
14. To apply: We must put our minds to it.
15. To force the purchase of (a stock or commodity) by exercising a put option.
Nautical To proceed: The ship put into the harbor.
1. Sports An act of putting the shot.
2. An option to sell a stipulated amount of stock or securities within a specified time and at a fixed price.
Fixed; stationary: stay put.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.