Definition of Provisions in English :

Define Provisions in English

Provisions meaning in English

Meaning of Provisions in English

Pronunciation of Provisions in English

Provisions pronunciation in English

Pronounce Provisions in English


see synonyms of provisions


1. commissariat, provender, provisions, viands, victuals

a stock or supply of foods

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of provisions
plural noun
food and other necessities, esp for an expedition
On board were enough provisions for two weeks.
food obtained for a household

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of provisions
a. The act of providing or supplying something: the provision of health care; the provision of rations.
b. The act of making preparations for a possible or future event or situation: The provision for retirement requires planning.
a. Something provided: A fire escape is an important provision in a building.
b. provisions Necessary supplies, such as food and clothing, as for a journey.
3. A preparatory action or measure: We must make provisions for riding out the storm.
4. A particular requirement in a law, rule, agreement, or document: the constitutional provision concerned with due process.
v. pro·vi·sioned, pro·vi·sion·ing, pro·vi·sions
To supply with provisions.
To take preparatory action or measures: A bank must provision against losses from bad loans.

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