Definition of Portmanteau in English :

Define Portmanteau in English

Portmanteau meaning in English

Meaning of Portmanteau in English

Pronunciation of Portmanteau in English

Portmanteau pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of portmanteau


1. blend, portmanteau, portmanteau word

a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings

Example Sentences:
'smog' is a blend of smoke' and fog''
'motel' is a portmanteau word made by combining motor' and hotel''
'brunch' is a well-known portmanteau'

2. gladstone, gladstone bag, portmanteau

a large travelling bag made of stiff leather

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of portmanteau
noun plural -teaus or -teaux (-təʊz)
(formerly) a large travelling case made of stiff leather, esp one hinged at the back so as to open out into two compartments
2. (modifier)
embodying several uses or qualities
the heroine is a portmanteau figure of all the virtues
. Also called: portmantle

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of portmanteau
nounWord forms: plural portˈmanteaus or portˈmanteaux (pɔrtˈmæntoʊz ; pôrtmanˈtōz; ˌpɔrtmæntoʊz ; pôrtˌmantōz)
a traveling case or bag; esp., a stiff leather suitcase that opens like a book into two compartments

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of portmanteau
n. pl. port·man·teaus or port·man·teaux (-tōz, -tōz)
1. A large leather suitcase that opens into two hinged compartments.
a. A word formed by merging the sounds and meanings of two different words, as chortle, from chuckle and snort. Also called portmanteau word.
b. A word or part of a word that is analyzable as consisting of more than one morpheme without a clear boundary between them, as French du "of the" from de "of" and le "the." Also called portmanteau morph.
General or generalized: a portmanteau description; portmanteau terms.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.