Definition of Performer in English :

Define Performer in English

Performer meaning in English

Meaning of Performer in English

Pronunciation of Performer in English

Performer pronunciation in English

Pronounce Performer in English


see synonyms of performer


1. performer, performing artist

an entertainer who performs a dramatic or musical work for an audience

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of performer
v. per·formed, per·form·ing, per·forms
1. To begin and carry through to completion; do: The surgeon performed the operation.
2. To take action in accordance with the requirements of; fulfill: perform one's contractual obligations.
a. To enact (a feat or role) before an audience.
b. To give a public presentation of; present: My theater group performed a three-act play.
1. To function or accomplish something as expected or required: a car that performs well on curves; workers not performing up to standard.
2. To yield a return on investment: stocks that performed well.
3. To portray a role or demonstrate a skill before an audience: The juggler performed atop a unicycle.
4. To present a dramatic or musical work or other entertainment before an audience.

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