Definition of Mamey in English :

Define Mamey in English

Mamey meaning in English

Meaning of Mamey in English

Pronunciation of Mamey in English

Mamey pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of mamey


1. mamey, mammea americana, mammee, mammee apple, mammee tree

tropical American tree having edible fruit with a leathery rind

2. mamey, mammee, mammee apple

globular or ovoid tropical fruit with thick russet leathery rind and juicy yellow or reddish flesh

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of mamey
a tropical American tree, Mammea americana, cultivated for its large edible fruits: family Clusiaceae
the fruit of this tree, having yellow pulp and a red skin
3.  another name for the marmalade tree

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of mamey
n. pl. ma·meys
1. A tree (Mammea americana) of the West Indies and northern South America having glossy leaves, white fragrant flowers, and large edible brown fruit.
2. The fruit of this tree, having firm juicy yellow or orange flesh and toxic seeds. Also called mammee apple.

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