Definition of Latticed in English :

Define Latticed in English

Latticed meaning in English

Meaning of Latticed in English

Pronunciation of Latticed in English

Latticed pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of latticed


1. fretted, interlaced, latticed, latticelike

having a pattern of fretwork or latticework

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of latticed
a. An open framework made of strips of metal, wood, or similar material overlapped or overlaid in a regular, usually crisscross pattern.
b. A structure, such as a window, screen, or trellis, made of or containing such a framework.
2. Something, such as a decorative motif or heraldic bearing, that resembles an open, patterned framework.
3. Physics
a. A regular, periodic configuration of points, particles, or objects throughout an area or a space, especially the arrangement of ions or molecules in a crystalline solid.
b. The spatial arrangement of fissionable and nonfissionable materials in a nuclear reactor.
tr.v. lat·ticed, lat·tic·ing, lat·tic·es
To construct or furnish with a lattice or latticework.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.