Definition of Kingdom in English :

Define Kingdom in English

Kingdom meaning in English

Meaning of Kingdom in English

Pronunciation of Kingdom in English

Kingdom pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of kingdom


1. kingdom, land, realm

a domain in which something is dominant

Example Sentences:
'the untroubled kingdom of reason'
'a land of make-believe'
'the rise of the realm of cotton in the south'

2. kingdom

a country with a king as head of state

3. kingdom, realm

the domain ruled by a king or queen

4. kingdom

a monarchy with a king or queen as head of state

5. kingdom

the highest taxonomic group into which organisms are grouped; one of five biological categories: Monera or Protoctista or Plantae or Fungi or Animalia

6. kingdom

a basic group of natural objects

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of kingdom
a territory, state, people, or community ruled or reigned over by a king or queen
any of the three groups into which natural objects may be divided: the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms
3. biology
any of the major categories into which living organisms of the domain Eukarya are classified. Modern systems recognize four kingdoms: Protoctista (algae, protozoans, etc), Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia
See also domain (sense 12)
4. theology
the eternal sovereignty of God
an area of activity, esp mental activity, considered as being the province of something specified
the kingdom of the mind

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of kingdom
1.  Obsolete
the position, rank, or power of a king
a government or country headed by a king or queen; monarchy
a realm; domain; sphere
the kingdom of poetry
any of the three great divisions into which all natural objects have been classified (the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms)
the spiritual realm of God
6.  Biology
a major category in the classification of animals, plants, etc., ranking above a phylum or division: in some systems it ranks below a superkingdom: the Latinized kingdom names are capitalized but not italicized (Ex.: Monera, monerans)

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of kingdom
1. A political or territorial unit ruled by a sovereign.
a. The eternal spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ.
b. The realm of this sovereignty.
3. A realm or sphere in which one thing is dominant: the kingdom of the imagination.
4. In the Linnean taxonomic system, the highest taxonomic category into which organisms are grouped, based on fundamental similarities and common ancestry. One widely used taxonomic system designates five or six such groups: animals, plants, fungi, protists, and prokaryotes (often divided into bacteria and archaea). Other systems divide organisms into domains (eukaryotes, bacteria, and archaea) that replace or rank above kingdoms.
5. One of the three main divisions (animal, vegetable, and mineral) into which natural organisms and objects have traditionally been classified.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.