Definition of Grotesquery in English :

Define Grotesquery in English

Grotesquery meaning in English

Meaning of Grotesquery in English

Pronunciation of Grotesquery in English

Grotesquery pronunciation in English

Pronounce Grotesquery in English


see synonyms of grotesquery


1. grotesqueness, grotesquerie, grotesquery

ludicrous or incongruous unnaturalness or distortion

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of grotesquery
noun plural -queries
the state of being grotesque
something that is grotesque, esp an object such as a sculpture

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of grotesquery
n. pl. gro·tes·que·ries
1. The state of being grotesque; grotesqueness: "A jumble of stuffed animals were packed in the bed around her ... and their innocent shapes crowded around her head in sweet, shadowed grotesquerie" (Donna Tarrt).
2. Something grotesque: "He put the catfish, the tadpoles, and a few other grotesqueries in his jar filled with swamp water, and then picked up all the other wriggling things and threw them back into the lake" (Rick Bass).

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