Definition of Gram's Stain in English :

Define Gram's Stain in English

Gram's Stain meaning in English

Meaning of Gram's Stain in English

Pronunciation of Gram's Stain in English

Gram's Stain pronunciation in English

Pronounce Gram's Stain in English

Gram's Stain

see synonyms of gram's stain


1. gram method, gram stain, gram's method, gram's procedure, gram's stain

a staining technique used to classify bacteria; bacteria are stained with gentian violet and then treated with Gram's solution; after being decolorized with alcohol and treated with safranine and washed in water, those that retain the gentian violet are Gram-positive and those that do not retain it are Gram-negative

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Gram's Stain

see synonyms of gram's stain
A staining technique used to classify bacteria in which a bacterial specimen is first stained with crystal violet, then treated with an iodine solution, decolorized with alcohol, and counterstained with safranin. Because of differences in cell wall structure, gram-positive bacteria retain the violet stain whereas gram-negative bacteria do not. Also called Gram's method.

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