Definition of Fan in English :

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Fan meaning in English

Meaning of Fan in English

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see synonyms of fan


1. fan

a device for creating a current of air by movement of a surface or surfaces

2. fan, rooter, sports fan

an enthusiastic devotee of sports

3. buff, devotee, fan, lover

an ardent follower and admirer


4. fan

strike out (a batter), (of a pitcher)

5. fan

make (an emotion) fiercer

Example Sentences:
'fan hatred'

6. fan

agitate the air

7. fan, winnow

separate the chaff from by using air currents

Example Sentences:
'She stood there winnowing chaff all day in the field'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of fan
any device for creating a current of air by movement of a surface or number of surfaces, esp a rotating device consisting of a number of blades attached to a central hub
a machine that rotates such a device
any of various hand-agitated devices for cooling oneself, esp a collapsible semicircular series of flat segments of paper, ivory, etc
something shaped like such a fan, such as the tail of certain birds
4. agriculture
a kind of basket formerly used for winnowing grain
a machine equipped with a fan for winnowing or cleaning grain
verbWord forms: fans, fanning or fanned (mainly tr)
to cause a current of air, esp cool air, to blow upon, as by means of a fan
to fan one's face
to agitate or move (air, smoke, etc) with or as if with a fan
to make fiercer, more ardent, etc
fan one's passion
8. (also intr; often foll by out)
to spread out or cause to spread out in the shape of a fan
to fire (an automatic gun) continuously by keeping the trigger depressed
to fire (a nonautomatic gun) several times by repeatedly chopping back the hammer with the palm
to winnow (grain) by blowing the chaff away from it
an ardent admirer of a pop star, film actor, football team, etc
a devotee of a sport, hobby, etc

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of fan
1.  Obsolete
a device for winnowing grain
any device or machine used to set up a current of air for ventilating or cooling
; specif.,
any flat surface moved by hand
a folding device made of paper, cloth, etc. which when opened has the shape of a sector of a circle
a device consisting of one or more revolving blades or vanes attached to a rotary hub and operated by a motor
anything in the shape of a fan1 (sense 2) fan1 (sense 2b), as the tail of a bird
in a windmill, a small vane that keeps the large vanes, or sails, at right angles to the wind
verb transitiveWord forms: fanned or ˈfanning
to move or agitate (air) with or as with a fan
to direct a current of air toward or on with or as with a fan; blow on
to stir up; excite
to blow or drive away with a fan
to spread out into the shape of a fan1 (sense 2) fan1 (sense 2b)
to separate (grain) from chaff
11.  US, Slang
to spank
to fire (a pistol) several times quickly in succession by slapping the hammer back as with the alternate hand between shots
12.  US, Baseball
to strike (a batter) out
verb intransitive
13.  US, Baseball
to strike out
a person enthusiastic about a specified sport, pastime, or performer; devotee
a baseball fan, movie fan

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of fan
1. A device for creating a current of air or a breeze, especially:
a. A machine using an electric motor to rotate thin, rigid vanes in order to move air, as for cooling.
b. A collapsible, usually wedge-shaped device made of a light material such as silk, paper, or plastic.
2. An implement or machine for winnowing.
3. Something resembling an open fan in shape: a peacock's fan.
v. fanned, fan·ning, fans
v. tr.
1. To move or cause a current of (air) with or as if with a fan.
2. To direct a current of air or a breeze upon, especially in order to cool: fan one's face.
3. To stir (something) up by or as if by fanning: fanned the flames in the fireplace; a troublemaker who fanned resentment among the staff.
4. To open (something) out into the shape of a fan: The bird fanned its colorful tail.
a. To fire (an automatic gun) in a continuous sweep by keeping one's finger on the trigger.
b. To fire (a revolver) rapidly by chopping the hammer with the palm.
6. To winnow.
7. Baseball To strike out (a batter).
v. intr.
1. To spread out like a fan: The troops fanned out from the beachhead.
2. Baseball To strike out.
An ardent devotee; an enthusiast.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.