Definition of Ernest Rutherford in English :

Define Ernest Rutherford in English

Ernest Rutherford meaning in English

Meaning of Ernest Rutherford in English

Pronunciation of Ernest Rutherford in English

Ernest Rutherford pronunciation in English

Pronounce Ernest Rutherford in English

Ernest Rutherford

see synonyms of ernest rutherford


1. ernest rutherford, first baron rutherford, first baron rutherford of nelson, rutherford

British physicist (born in New Zealand) who discovered the atomic nucleus and proposed a nuclear model of the atom (1871-1937)

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Ernest Rutherford

see synonyms of ernest rutherford
New Zealand physicist who classified radiation into alpha, beta, and gamma types and discovered the atomic nucleus. He won the 1908 Nobel Prize in chemistry.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.