Definition of Distantly in English :

Define Distantly in English

Distantly meaning in English

Meaning of Distantly in English

Pronunciation of Distantly in English

Distantly pronunciation in English

Pronounce Distantly in English


see synonyms of distantly


1. distantly

from or at a distance

Example Sentences:
'dimly, distantly, voices sounded in the stillness'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of distantly
a. Separate or apart in space.
b. Far removed; remote: distant lands.
2. Coming from or going to a distance: a distant sound; a distant telephone call.
3. Far removed or apart in time: the distant past; distant events.
4. Far apart in relationship: a distant cousin.
5. Minimally similar: a distant likeness.
6. Far removed mentally: distant thoughts.
7. Aloof or chilly: a distant smile.

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