Definition of Disconnection in English :

Define Disconnection in English

Disconnection meaning in English

Meaning of Disconnection in English

Pronunciation of Disconnection in English

Disconnection pronunciation in English

Pronounce Disconnection in English


see synonyms of disconnection


1. disconnectedness, disconnection, disjunction, disjuncture

state of being disconnected

2. disconnect, disconnection, gulf

an unbridgeable disparity (as from a failure of understanding)

Example Sentences:
'he felt a gulf between himself and his former friends'
'there is a vast disconnect between public opinion and federal policy'

3. disconnection, disjunction

the act of breaking a connection

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of disconnection
v. dis·con·nect·ed, dis·con·nect·ing, dis·con·nects
1. To sever or interrupt the connection of or between: disconnected the hose.
2. Electricity To shut off the current in (an appliance) by removing its connection to a power source.
To sever or interrupt a connection.
n. (dĭskə-nĕkt)
A lack of connection; a disparity: "There is a cosmic disconnect between what the voters want and what the party of the corporate interests can give them" (Bob Herbert).

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