Definition of Decayed in English :

Define Decayed in English

Decayed meaning in English

Meaning of Decayed in English

Pronunciation of Decayed in English

Decayed pronunciation in English

Pronounce Decayed in English


see synonyms of decayed


1. decayed, rotted, rotten

damaged by decay; hence unsound and useless

Example Sentences:
'rotten floor boards'
'rotted beams'
'a decayed foundation'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of decayed
having rotted as a result of bacterial, fungal, or chemical action; decomposed

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of decayed
v. de·cayed, de·cay·ing, de·cays
1. Biology To break down into component parts; rot.
2. Physics To disintegrate in a process of radioactive decay or particle decay.
3. Electronics To decrease gradually in magnitude. Used of voltage or current.
4. Aerospace To decrease in orbit. Used of an artificial satellite.
5. To fall into ruin: a civilization that had begun to decay.
6. To decline in health or vigor; waste away.
7. To decline from a state of normality, excellence, or prosperity; deteriorate.
To cause to decay.
a. The destruction or decomposition of organic matter as a result of bacterial or fungal action; rot.
b. Rotted matter.
2. Physics
3. Aerospace The decrease in orbital altitude of an artificial satellite as a result of conditions such as atmospheric drag.
4. A gradual deterioration to an inferior state: tooth decay; urban decay.
5. A falling into ruin.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.