Definition of Conventional in English :

Define Conventional in English

Conventional meaning in English

Meaning of Conventional in English

Pronunciation of Conventional in English

Conventional pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of conventional


1. conventional

following accepted customs and proprieties

Example Sentences:
'conventional wisdom'
'she had strayed from the path of conventional behavior'
'conventional forms of address'

2. conventional, established

conforming with accepted standards

Example Sentences:
'a conventional view of the world'

3. conventional

(weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy

Example Sentences:
'conventional warfare'
'conventional weapons'

4. conventional

unimaginative and conformist

Example Sentences:
'conventional bourgeois lives'
'conventional attitudes'

5. conventional, formal, schematic

represented in simplified or symbolic form

6. conventional

in accord with or being a tradition or practice accepted from the past

Example Sentences:
'a conventional church wedding with the bride in traditional white'
'the conventional handshake'

7. ceremonious, conventional

rigidly formal or bound by convention

Example Sentences:
'their ceremonious greetings did not seem heartfelt'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of conventional
following the accepted customs and proprieties, esp in a way that lacks originality
conventional habits
established by accepted usage or general agreement
of or relating to a convention or assembly
4. law
based upon the agreement or consent of parties
5. arts
represented in a simplified or generalized way; conventionalized
(of weapons, warfare, etc) not nuclear
7. bridge another word for convention (sense 7)

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of conventional
having to do with a convention or assembly
of, sanctioned by, or growing out of custom or usage; customary
depending on or conforming to formal or accepted standards or rules rather than nature; not natural, original, or spontaneous
conventional behavior
not unusual or extreme; ordinary
stylized; conventionalized
conventional weapons
6.  Law
based on an agreement between parties; contractual

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of conventional
1. Based on or in accordance with general agreement, use, or practice; customary: conventional symbols; a conventional form of address.
2. Conforming to established practice or accepted standards; traditional: a conventional church wedding.
a. Devoted to or bound by conventions to the point of artificiality; ceremonious.
b. Unimaginative; conformist: longed to escape from their conventional, bourgeois lives.
4. Represented, as in a work of art, in simplified or abstract form.
5. Law Based on consent or agreement; contractual.
6. Of, relating to, or resembling an assembly.
7. Using means other than nuclear energy: conventional power plants.
8. Using means other than nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons: conventional warfare.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.