Definition of Bust in English :

Define Bust in English

Bust meaning in English

Meaning of Bust in English

Pronunciation of Bust in English

Bust pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of bust


1. bust, fizzle, flop

a complete failure

Example Sentences:
'the play was a dismal flop'

2. bust, female chest

the chest of a woman

3. bust

a sculpture of the head and shoulders of a person

4. binge, bout, bust, tear

an occasion for excessive eating or drinking

Example Sentences:
'they went on a bust that lasted three days'


6. bust, raid

search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on

Example Sentences:
'The police raided the crack house'

7. bust, rupture, snap, tear

separate or cause to separate abruptly

Example Sentences:
'The rope snapped'
'tear the paper'

8. break, bust, fall apart, wear, wear out

go to pieces

Example Sentences:
'The lawn mower finally broke'
'The gears wore out'
'The old chair finally fell apart completely'

9. burst, bust

break open or apart suddenly and forcefully

Example Sentences:
'The dam burst'


10. broke, bust, skint, stone-broke, stony-broke

lacking funds

Example Sentences:
'skint' is a British slang term'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of bust
the chest of a human being, esp a woman's bosom
a sculpture of the head, shoulders, and upper chest of a person
verbWord forms: busts, busting, busted or bust
to burst or break
to make or become bankrupt
3. (transitive)
(of the police) to raid, search, or arrest
the girl was busted for drugs
4. (transitive) US and Canadian
to demote, esp in military rank
5. (transitive) US and Canadian
to break or tame (a horse, etc)
6. (transitive) mainly US
to punch; hit
7.  bust a gut
a raid, search, or arrest by the police
9. mainly US
a punch; hit
10. US and Canadian
a failure, esp a financial one; bankruptcy
a drunken party
14.  go bust

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of bust
a piece of sculpture representing the head, shoulders, and upper chest of a human body
the human bosom; esp., the breasts of a woman
verb transitive
to burst or break
to make penniless or bankrupt
3.  US
to demote in rank
4.  US
to tame (esp. broncos)
5.  US
to hit
6.  US
to arrest
to make a raid (sense 2) on
verb intransitive
to burst or break
to become penniless or bankrupt
10.  US
a person or thing that is a total failure
11.  US
a financial collapse; economic crash
12.  US
a punch
13.  US
a spree
14.  US
an arrest

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of bust
1. A sculpture representing a person's head, shoulders, and upper chest.
a. A woman's breasts.
b. The human chest.
v. bust·ed, bust·ing, busts
1. Informal
a. To smash or break, especially forcefully: "Mr. Luger worked it with a rake, busting up the big clods, making a flat brown table" (Garrison Keillor).
b. To render inoperable or unusable: busted the vending machine by putting in foreign coins.
2. To cause to come to an end; break up: an attempt to bust the union.
3. To break or tame (a horse).
4. To cause to become bankrupt or short of money: "Unwatched overhead could bust us in a year's time" (Louis Auchincloss).
5. Informal
a. To place under arrest.
b. To make a police raid on.
6. Slang To reduce in rank; demote.
7. Slang To hit; punch.
1. Slang
a. To undergo breakage; become broken.
b. To burst; break: "Several companies have threatened to bust out of their high-wage contracts by the dubious technique of declaring bankruptcy" (Washington Post).
2. To become bankrupt or short of money.
3. Games To lose at blackjack by exceeding a score of 21.
1. A failure; a flop: "The home-style bean curd is a bust, oily and rubbery" (Mark and Gail Barnett).
2. A time or period of widespread financial depression: "Bankers consider the region's diversified economy to be good protection against a possible real estate bust" (American Banker).
3. Slang A punch; a blow.
4. Informal A spree: a fraternity beer bust.
5. Informal
a. An arrest.
b. A raid.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.