Definition of Berm in English :

Define Berm in English

Berm meaning in English

Meaning of Berm in English

Pronunciation of Berm in English

Berm pronunciation in English

Pronounce Berm in English


see synonyms of berm


1. berm

a narrow ledge or shelf typically at the top or bottom of a slope

2. berm, shoulder

a narrow edge of land (usually unpaved) along the side of a road

Example Sentences:
'the car pulled off onto the shoulder'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of berm
a narrow path or ledge at the edge of a slope, road, or canal
2. New Zealand
the grass verge of a suburban street, usually kept mown
3. fortifications
a narrow path or ledge between a moat and a rampart
4. military
a man-made ridge of sand, designed as an obstacle to tanks, which, in crossing it, have to expose their vulnerable underparts

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of berm
a ledge or space between the ditch and parapet in a fortification
: also sp. berme
2.  US, Dialectal
the shoulder of a road
a narrow ledge or path as at the top or bottom of a slope, or along a beach
a wall or mound of earth

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of berm
a. A narrow ledge or shelf, as along the top or bottom of a slope.
b. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, & West Virginia The shoulder of a road.
c. A raised bank or path, especially the bank of a canal opposite the towpath.
2. A nearly horizontal or landward-sloping portion of a beach, formed by the deposition of sediment by storm waves.
3. A mound or bank of earth, used especially as a barrier or to provide insulation.
4. The flat space between the edge of a ditch and the base of a fortification.
tr.v. bermed, berm·ing, berms
To provide with a berm or berms.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.