Definition of 1000000000000 in English :

Define 1000000000000 in English

1000000000000 meaning in English

Meaning of 1000000000000 in English

Pronunciation of 1000000000000 in English

1000000000000 pronunciation in English

Pronounce 1000000000000 in English


see synonyms of 1000000000000


1. 1000000000000, one million million, trillion

the number that is represented as a one followed by 12 zeros

Example Sentences:
'in England they call a trillion a billion'

2. 1000000000000, billion, one million million

the number that is represented as a one followed by 12 zeros; in the United Kingdom the usage followed in the United States is frequently seen

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.