Definition of Verbally in English :

Define Verbally in English

Verbally meaning in English

Meaning of Verbally in English

Pronunciation of Verbally in English

Verbally pronunciation in English

Pronounce Verbally in English


see synonyms of verbally


1. verbally

as a verb

Example Sentences:
'he had a habit of using nouns verbally'

2. verbally

by means of language

Example Sentences:
'verbally expressive'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of verbally
of, relating to, or using words, esp as opposed to ideas, etc
merely verbal concessions
oral rather than written
a verbal agreement
verbatim; literal
an almost verbal copy
4. grammar
of or relating to verbs or a verb
5. grammar another word for verbid
6. (plural) slang
abuse or invective
new forms of on-field verbals
7. (plural) slang
a criminal's admission of guilt on arrest
verb -bals, -balling or -balled (transitive)
8. slang
(of the police) to implicate (someone) in a crime by quoting alleged admission of guilt in court

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of verbally
of, in, or by means of words
a verbal image
concerned merely with words, as distinguished from facts, ideas, or actions
in speech; oral rather than written
usage objected to by some
a verbal contract
4.  Rare
word for word; verbatim
a verbal translation
5.  Grammar
of, or made up of, verbs
a verbal auxiliary
of, having the nature of, or derived from a verb
a verbal noun
used to form verbs
-ate is a verbal suffix
6.  Grammar
a verbal noun or some other word, as an adjective, derived from a verb: in English, gerunds, infinitives, and participles are verbals
7.  Linguistics
a word or word group that occurs in grammatical functions typical of verbs

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of verbally
1. Of, relating to, or associated with words: a detailed verbal description.
a. Concerned with words only rather than with content or ideas: a merely verbal distinction.
b. Consisting of words alone without action: a verbal confrontation.
3. Expressed in spoken rather than written words; oral: a verbal contract.
4. Corresponding word for word; literal: a verbal translation.
5. Grammar
a. Relating to, having the nature or function of, or derived from a verb.
b. Used to form verbs: a verbal suffix.
6. Of or relating to proficiency in the use and understanding of words: a verbal aptitude test.
A verbal noun or adjective.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.