Definition of Thing in English :

Define Thing in English

Thing meaning in English

Meaning of Thing in English

Pronunciation of Thing in English

Thing pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of thing


1. thing

a special situation

Example Sentences:
'this thing has got to end'
'it is a remarkable thing'

2. thing

an action

Example Sentences:
'how could you do such a thing?'

3. thing

a special abstraction

Example Sentences:
'a thing of the spirit'
'things of the heart'

4. thing

an artifact

Example Sentences:
'how does this thing work?'

5. thing

an event

Example Sentences:
'a funny thing happened on the way to the...'

6. affair, matter, thing

a vaguely specified concern

Example Sentences:
'several matters to attend to'
'it is none of your affair'
'things are going well'

7. thing

a statement regarded as an object

Example Sentences:
'to say the same thing in other terms'
'how can you say such a thing?'

8. thing

an entity that is not named specifically

Example Sentences:
'I couldn't tell what the thing was'

9. thing

any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence

Example Sentences:
'the thing I like about her is ...'

10. thing

a special objective

Example Sentences:
'the thing is to stay in bounds'

11. thing

a persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion

Example Sentences:
'he has a thing about seafood'
'she has a thing about him'

12. thing

a separate and self-contained entity

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of thing
an object, fact, affair, circumstance, or concept considered as being a separate entity
any inanimate object
an object or entity that cannot or need not be precisely named
4. informal
a person or animal regarded as the object of pity, contempt, etc
you poor thing
an event or act
a thought or statement
7. law
any object or right that may be the subject of property (as distinguished from a person)
a device, means, or instrument
9. (often plural)
a possession, article of clothing, etc
10. informal
the normal pattern of behaviour in a particular context
not interested in the marriage thing
11. informal
a mental attitude, preoccupation or obsession (esp in the phrase have a thing about)
12. informal
a flirtatious or mildly romantic relationship (esp in the phrase have a thing with)
an activity or mode of behaviour satisfying to one's personality (esp in the phrase do one's (own) thing)
14. informal
a generally accepted phenomenon (esp in the phrase is that (even) a thing?)
15.  the done thing
16.  the thing
17.  be on to a good thing
18.  make a thing of
(often capital)
a law court or public assembly in the Scandinavian countries
. Also: ting

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of thing
any matter, circumstance, affair, or concern
often used in pl.
how are things?
that which is done, has been done, or is to be done; happening, act, deed, incident, event, etc.
to accomplish great things
that which constitutes an end to be achieved, a step in a process, etc.
the next thing is to mix thoroughly
anything conceived of or referred to as existing as an individual, distinguishable entity
; specif.,
any single entity distinguished from all others
each thing in the universe
a tangible object, as distinguished from a concept, quality, etc.
paintings and other beautiful things
an inanimate object
an item, detail, etc.
go over each thing in the list
the object or concept referred to or represented by a word, symbol, or sign; referent
an object of thought; idea
think the right things
a.  [pl.]
personal belongings; also, clothes or clothing
a dress, garment, etc.
not a thing to wear
6.  [pl.]
articles, devices, etc. used for some purpose
a person
used in expressions of affection, pity, contempt, etc.
poor thing
a being, object, or concept the exact term for which is not known or recalled or is avoided, as from disdain
where did you buy that thing?
9.  Informal
a point of contention; issue
don't make a thing of it
10.  US, Informal
a complex, often neurotic liking, fear, aversion, etc. with regard to some person, thing, or activity
to have a thing about flying
11.  US, Informal
what one wants to do or is adept at
do one's own thing
12.  Law
that which may be owned; a property
see also person
a Scandinavian legislative body

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of thing
a. An object or entity that is not or cannot be named specifically: What is this thing for?
b. An individual object, especially an inanimate object: There wasn't a thing in sight.
c. A creature: That baby is the sweetest thing!
d. An entity or item: How many things are there on the test?
e. Something referred to by a word, symbol, sign, or idea; a referent.
2. A possession or item in one's control, as:
a. things Articles of clothing: Put on your things and let's go.
b. things Possessions, including clothing; belongings: Pack your things; it's time to go.
c. often things Law That which can be possessed or owned: things personal; things real.
d. things The equipment needed for an activity or a special purpose.
a. An act, deed, or work: promised to do great things.
b. The result of work or activity: is always building things.
c. A means to an end: just the thing to increase sales.
a. A thought, notion, or utterance: What a rotten thing to say!
b. A piece of information: wouldn't tell me a thing about the project.
5. An end or objective: In blackjack, the thing is to get nearest to 21 without going over.
a. A matter of concern: many things on my mind.
b. A turn of events; a circumstance: The accident was a terrible thing.
c. A particular state of affairs; a situation: Let's deal with this thing promptly.
d. things The general state of affairs; conditions: "Beneath the smooth surface of things, something was wrong" (Tom Wicker).
e. Informal The latest fad or fashion: Drag racing was the thing then.
7. Informal A persistent feeling, interest, desire, or aversion: She has a thing for him and keeps talking about him. I have a thing about seafood and never eat it.
8. Slang An activity uniquely suitable and satisfying to one: Let him do his own thing. Mountain climbing is really my thing.
9. Informal Used to refer to something with disapproval or contempt: Where did you get that thing? I wouldn't drive that thing if you paid me.

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