Definition of Supercharged in English :

Define Supercharged in English

Supercharged meaning in English

Meaning of Supercharged in English

Pronunciation of Supercharged in English

Supercharged pronunciation in English

Pronounce Supercharged in English


see synonyms of supercharged


1. supercharged

(of e.g. an engine) having the power increased by fitting with a supercharger

2. charged, supercharged

fraught with great emotion

Example Sentences:
'an atmosphere charged with excitement'
'an emotionally charged speech'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of supercharged
1. mechanical engineering
(of an internal-combustion engine or car) having increased the air intake pressure with a supercharger; boosted
They have 8-litre supercharged V-8 dragster engines which produce 1700 or so horsepower.
supercharged engines
(of an atmosphere, a remark, etc) with an excess amount of tension, emotion, etc
In the supercharged Washington atmosphere, Eisenhower now proved that he was his own man.
a supercharged thriller
3. physics
(of a fluid) pressurized

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of supercharged
1. Increased in power, as by adding a supercharger: a supercharged engine.
2. Highly energetic; dynamic: a new supercharged head of the school.
3. Full of excitement or emotional tension: a supercharged atmosphere before the meeting.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.