Definition of Strophanthus in English :

Define Strophanthus in English

Strophanthus meaning in English

Meaning of Strophanthus in English

Pronunciation of Strophanthus in English

Strophanthus pronunciation in English

Pronounce Strophanthus in English


see synonyms of strophanthus


1. strophanthus

any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Strophanthus having whorled leaves and showy flowers of various colors in dense and corymbose clusters; some have poisonous seeds

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of strophanthus
any small tree or shrub of the apocynaceous genus Strophanthus, of tropical Africa and Asia, having strap-shaped twisted petals. The seeds of certain species yield the drug strophanthin
the seeds of any of these plants

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