Definition of Stimulative in English :

Define Stimulative in English

Stimulative meaning in English

Meaning of Stimulative in English

Pronunciation of Stimulative in English

Stimulative pronunciation in English

Pronounce Stimulative in English


see synonyms of stimulative


1. stimulative

capable of arousing or accelerating physiological or psychological activity or response by a chemical agent

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of stimulative
v. stim·u·lat·ed, stim·u·lat·ing, stim·u·lates
1. To rouse to action or increased activity; excite: a policy that stimulated people to protest; incentives to stimulate consumer spending. See Synonyms at provoke.
2. To increase temporarily the activity of (a body organ or system, for example).
3. To cause to be interested or engaged: Animals in zoos need to be stimulated to remain healthy.
4. To cause to desire to have sex; arouse sexually.
5. To excite or invigorate (a person, for example) with a stimulant.
To act or serve as a stimulant or stimulus.

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