Definition of Sterileness in English :

Define Sterileness in English

Sterileness meaning in English

Meaning of Sterileness in English

Pronunciation of Sterileness in English

Sterileness pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of sterileness


1. antisepsis, asepsis, sterileness, sterility

(of non-living objects) the state of being free of pathogenic organisms

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of sterileness
a. Not producing or incapable of producing offspring.
b. Not producing or incapable of producing seed, fruit, spores, or other reproductive structures. Used of plants or their parts.
2. Producing little or no vegetation; unfruitful: sterile land.
3. Free from live bacteria or other microorganisms: a sterile operating area; sterile instruments.
4. Lacking imagination, creativity, or vitality.
5. Lacking the power to function; not productive or effective; fruitless: a sterile discussion.

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