Definition of Stand For in English :

Define Stand For in English

Stand For meaning in English

Meaning of Stand For in English

Pronunciation of Stand For in English

Stand For pronunciation in English

Pronounce Stand For in English

Stand For

see synonyms of stand for


1. represent, stand for, symbolise, symbolize, typify

express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol

Example Sentences:
'What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?'

2. intend, mean, signify, stand for

denote or connote

Example Sentences:
'maison' means house' in French'
'An example sentence would show what this word means'

3. correspond, represent, stand for

take the place of or be parallel or equivalent to

Example Sentences:
'Because of the sound changes in the course of history, an 'h' in Greek stands for an 's' in Latin'

4. hold still for, stand for

tolerate or bear

Example Sentences:
'I won't stand for this kind of behavior!'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Stand For

see synonyms of stand for
verb (intr, preposition)
to represent or mean
2. mainly British
to be or become a candidate for
to support or recommend
4. informal
to tolerate or bear
he won't stand for any disobedience

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers

Stand For

see synonyms of stand for
to be a symbol for or sign of; represent; mean
2.  US, Informal
to put up with; endure; tolerate

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

Stand For

see synonyms of stand for
v. stood (std), stand·ing, stands
a. To rise to an upright position on the feet.
b. To assume or maintain an upright position as specified: stand straight; stand to one side.
a. To maintain an upright position on the feet.
b. To maintain an upright or vertical position on a base or support: The urn stands on a pedestal.
c. To be placed or situated: The building stands at the corner.
a. To remain stable, upright, or intact: The old school still stands.
b. To remain valid, effective, or unaltered: The agreement stands.
4. To be or show a specified figure or amount: The balance stands at $500.
5. To measure a specified height when in an upright position: stands six feet tall.
6. To take up or maintain a specified position, altitude, or course: He stands on his earlier offer. We will stand firm.
7. To be in a position of possible gain or loss: She stands to make a fortune.
a. To be in a specified state or condition: I stand corrected. We stand in awe of the view.
b. To exist in a particular form: Send the message as it now stands.
9. To be at a specified level on a scale or in an amount: stands third in her class; stands high in reputation.
a. To come to a stop; remain motionless.
b. To remain stationary or inactive: The car stood in the garage all winter.
11. To remain without flowing or being disturbed; be or become stagnant.
12. Nautical To take or hold a particular course or direction: a ship standing to windward.
13. To be available as a sire. Used of horses.
14. Chiefly British To be a candidate for public office.
1. To cause to stand; place upright.
2. To engage in or encounter: stand battle.
a. To resist successfully; withstand: stand the test of time; will not stand close examination.
b. To put up with patiently or resolutely; bear: can't stand the heat. See Synonyms at endure.
4. To submit to or undergo: stand trial.
5. To tolerate and benefit from: I could stand a good night's sleep.
6. To perform the duty of: stand guard.
7. Informal To treat (someone) or pay the cost of (food or drink): She stood him to a drink. We'll stand dinner.
1. The act of standing.
2. A ceasing of work or activity; a standstill or halt.
3. A stop on a performance tour.
4. The place or station where a person stands.
5. A booth, stall, or counter for the display of goods for sale.
6. A parking space reserved for taxis.
7. A desperate or decisive effort at defense or resistance, as in a battle: made their stand at the river.
8. A position or opinion one is prepared to uphold: must take a stand on environmental issues.
9. stands Rows of wooden or metal benches placed one above another for people watching a sports event or a performance.
10. Law A witness stand.
11. A small rack, prop, or table for holding any of various articles: a music stand; a bedside stand.
12. A group or growth of tall plants or trees: a stand of pine.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.