Definition of Spending in English :

Define Spending in English

Spending meaning in English

Meaning of Spending in English

Pronunciation of Spending in English

Spending pronunciation in English

Pronounce Spending in English


see synonyms of spending


1. disbursal, disbursement, outlay, spending

the act of spending or disbursing money

2. expenditure, outgo, outlay, spending

money paid out; an amount spent

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of spending
the act of paying out money
Has your spending on food increased?
City departments must reduce their spending by 35 million pounds.
Government spending is expected to fall.
(as modifier)
spending habits
A British Retail Consortium survey is likely to show a cooling in Britain's consumer spending boom.
The limited size of the proposed cuts should also give the City rather more faith in the Government's overall spending targets.

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