Definition of Sparker in English :

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Meaning of Sparker in English

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see synonyms of sparker


1. spark arrester, sparker

a wire net to stop sparks from an open fireplace or smokestack

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of sparker
a thing that stops or prevents sparks
a small firework
3. geology
an exploratory sonar for sea-bed formations

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of sparker
1. An incandescent particle, especially:
a. One thrown off from a burning substance.
b. One resulting from friction.
c. One remaining in an otherwise extinguished fire; an ember.
2. A glistening particle, as of metal.
a. A flash of light, especially a flash produced by electric discharge.
b. A short pulse or flow of electric current.
4. A trace or suggestion, as:
a. A quality or feeling with latent potential; a seed or germ: the spark of genius.
b. A vital, animating, or activating factor: the spark of revolution.
5. sparks (used with a sing. verb) Informal A radio operator aboard a ship.
6. Electricity
a. The luminous phenomenon resulting from a disruptive discharge through an insulating material.
b. The discharge itself.
v. sparked, spark·ing, sparks
1. To give off sparks.
2. To operate correctly. Used of the ignition system of an internal-combustion engine.
1. To set in motion; activate: The incident sparked a controversy.
2. To rouse to action; spur: A cheering crowd sparked the runner to triumph.
1. An elegantly dressed, highly self-conscious young man.
2. A male suitor; a beau.
v. sparked, spark·ing, sparks
To court or woo.
To court a woman or women.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.