Definition of Setline in English :

Define Setline in English

Setline meaning in English

Meaning of Setline in English

Pronunciation of Setline in English

Setline pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of setline


1. setline, spiller, trawl, trawl line, trotline

a long fishing line with many shorter lines and hooks attached to it (usually suspended between buoys)

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of setline
any of various types of fishing line that consist of a long line suspended across a stream, between buoys, etc, and having shorter hooked and baited lines attached
trawl (sense 2), trotline

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of setline
1. A long fishing line anchored at both ends and bearing baited hooks at regular intervals along its length. Also called trawl, trawl line, trotline.
2. A fishing line affixed at one end to an object on the shore and left unattended.

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