Definition of Regularly in English :

Define Regularly in English

Regularly meaning in English

Meaning of Regularly in English

Pronunciation of Regularly in English

Regularly pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of regularly


1. on a regular basis, regularly

in a regular manner

Example Sentences:
'letters arrived regularly from his children'

2. regularly

having a regular form

Example Sentences:
'regularly shaped objects'

3. regularly

in a regular way without variation

Example Sentences:
'try to breathe evenly'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of regularly
normal, customary, or usual
according to a uniform principle, arrangement, or order
trees planted at regular intervals
occurring at fixed or prearranged intervals
to make a regular call on a customer
following a set rule or normal practice; methodical or orderly
symmetrical in appearance or form; even
regular features
6. (prenominal)
organized, elected, conducted, etc, in a proper or officially prescribed manner
7. (prenominal)
officially qualified or recognized
he's not a regular doctor
8. (prenominal)
a regular fool
9. US and Canadian informal
likable, dependable, or nice (esp in the phrase a regular guy)
denoting or relating to the personnel or units of the permanent military services
a regular soldier
the regular army
(of flowers) having any of their parts, esp petals, alike in size, shape, arrangement, etc; symmetrical
(of the formation, inflections, etc, of a word) following the usual pattern of formation in a language
13. mathematics
(of a polygon) equilateral and equiangular
(of a polyhedron) having identical regular polygons as faces that make identical angles with each other
(of a prism) having regular polygons as bases
(of a pyramid) having a regular polygon as a base and the altitude passing through the centre of the base
e.  another name for analytic (sense 5)
14. botany another word for actinomorphic
15. (postpositive)
subject to the rule of an established religious order or community
canons regular
16. US politics
of, selected by, or loyal to the leadership or platform of a political party
a regular candidate
regular policies
17. crystallography another word for cubic (sense 4)
a professional long-term serviceman or -woman in a military unit
19. informal
a person who does something regularly, such as attending a theatre or patronizing a shop
a member of a religious order or congregation, as contrasted with a secular
21. US politics
a party member loyal to the leadership, organization, platform, etc, of his or her party

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of regularly
conforming in form, build, or arrangement to a rule, principle, type, standard, etc.; orderly; symmetrical
regular features
characterized by conformity to a fixed principle or procedure
usual; customary
his regular seat
b.  US
not a substitute; established
the regular quarterback
c.  US, Philately
for general, unrestricted use
a regular issue of stamps
consistent or habitual in action
a regular customer
recurring at set times or functioning in a normal way
a regular pulse
conforming to a standard or to a generally accepted rule or mode of conduct; proper
properly qualified
a regular doctor
cubic (sense 3)
9.  Informal
thorough; absolute; complete
a regular nuisance
10.  US, Informal
pleasant, friendly, reliable, etc.
a regular fellow
11.  Botany
having all similar parts of the same shape and size; symmetrical
said of flowers
12.  Ecclesiastical
of a religious institute whose members have vows, specif. solemn vows
13.  Grammar
conforming to the usual pattern in inflection, formation, etc.; specif., weak (sense 15)
14.  Ancient Mathematics
having all angles and sides equal, as a polygon
having identical regular polygons for all its faces arranged in the same way around all vertices
said of a polyhedron
uniform with respect to a certain characteristic
15.  Military
designating or of the permanently constituted, or standing, army of a country
designating soldiers recognized in international law as legitimate combatants in warfare
16.  US, Politics
designating, of, or loyal to the recognized party leadership, candidates, etc.
17.  Ecclesiastical
a member of a regular religious institute
a member of a regular army
19.  US
a regular member of an athletic team, not a substitute
a clothing size for men of average height
21.  Informal
one who is regular, as in attendance
22.  US, Politics
a person who is loyal to the recognized party leadership, candidates, etc.

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of regularly
1. Ecclesiastical A member of the clergy or of a religious order.
2. A soldier belonging to a regular army.
3. A dependable loyal person: one of the party regulars.
4. A clothing size designed for persons of average height.
5. A habitual customer.
1. Customary, usual, or normal: the train's regular schedule.
2. Orderly, even, or symmetrical: regular teeth.
3. In conformity with a fixed procedure, principle, or discipline.
4. Well-ordered; methodical: regular habits.
5. Occurring at fixed intervals; periodic: regular payments.
6. Having bowel movements or menstrual periods with normal frequency.
7. Not varying; constant.
8. Formally correct; proper.
9. Having the required qualifications for an occupation: not a regular lawyer.
10. Informal Complete; thorough: a regular scoundrel.
11. Informal Good; nice: a regular guy.
12. Botany Having symmetrically arranged parts of similar size and shape: regular flowers.
13. Grammar Conforming to the usual pattern of inflection, derivation, or word formation.
14. Ecclesiastical Belonging to a religious order and bound by its rules: the regular clergy.
15. Mathematics
a. Having equal sides and equal angles. Used of polygons.
b. Having faces that are congruent regular polygons and congruent polyhedral angles. Used of polyhedrons.
16. Belonging to or constituting the permanent army of a nation.

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