Definition of Rape in English :

Define Rape in English

Rape meaning in English

Meaning of Rape in English

Pronunciation of Rape in English

Rape pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of rape


1. brassica napus, colza, rape

Eurasian plant cultivated for its seed and as a forage crop

2. rape, rapine

the act of despoiling a country in warfare

3. assault, rape, ravishment, violation

the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will


4. assault, dishonor, dishonour, outrage, rape, ravish, violate

force (someone) to have sex against their will

Example Sentences:
'The woman was raped on her way home at night'

5. despoil, plunder, rape, spoil, violate

destroy and strip of its possession

Example Sentences:
'The soldiers raped the beautiful country'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of rape
the offence of forcing a person, esp a woman, to submit to sexual intercourse against that person's will
See also statutory rape
the act of despoiling a country in warfare; rapine
any violation or abuse
the rape of justice
4. archaic
the rape of the Sabine women
verb (mainly tr)
to commit rape upon (a person)
6. (also intr)
to plunder or despoil (a place) in war
7. archaic
to carry off by force; abduct
a Eurasian plant, Brassica napus, that has bright yellow flowers and is cultivated for its seeds, which yield a useful oil, and as a fodder plant: family Brassicaceae (crucifers)
. Also called: colza, cole
(often plural)
the skins and stalks of grapes left after wine-making: used in making vinegar

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of rape
the crime of engaging in sexual acts, esp. involving penetration of the vagina or anus, usually forcibly, with a person who has not consented; specif., this crime committed by a man upon a woman or girl
statutory rape
2.  Rare
the act of seizing and carrying away by force
the plundering or violent destruction (of a city, etc.), as in warfare
any outrageous assault or flagrant violation
verb transitiveWord forms: raped or ˈraping
5.  Rare
to seize and carry away by force
to commit rape on; violate
to plunder or destroy
verb intransitive
to commit rape
an annual Old World plant (Brassica napus) of the crucifer family, whose seeds yield an oil and whose leaves are used for fodder
the crushed pulp of grapes after the juice has been extracted

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of rape
a. The crime of using force or the threat of force to compel a person to submit to sexual intercourse.
b. The crime of using force or threat of force to compel a person to submit to some other sexual penetration.
c. Other unlawful sexual intercourse or penetration, as with an unconscious person or person below the age of or incapable of consent.
d. An instance of any of these crimes.
2. The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction: the rape of Europa by Zeus.
3. The act of pillaging or plundering: the rape of the city by the invaders.
4. Abusive or improper treatment; spoiling or abuse: the rape of the land by polluters.
tr.v. raped, rap·ing, rapes
1. To use force or threat of force to compel (another person) to submit to sexual intercourse or other sexual penetration.
2. To seize and carry off by force.
3. To plunder or pillage.
4. To treat improperly; abuse or spoil.
Either of two European plants (Brassica napus or B. rapa) of the mustard family, cultivated as fodder and for their seeds, which yield a valuable oil. Certain varieties of these plants yield canola oil. Also called colza, oilseed rape.
The refuse of grapes left after the extraction of the juice in winemaking.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.