Definition of Planning in English :

Define Planning in English

Planning meaning in English

Meaning of Planning in English

Pronunciation of Planning in English

Planning pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of planning


1. planning

an act of formulating a program for a definite course of action

Example Sentences:
'the planning was more fun than the trip itself'

2. planning

the act or process of drawing up plans or layouts for some project or enterprise

3. planning, preparation, provision

the cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in the event of something happening

Example Sentences:
'his planning for retirement was hindered by several uncertainties'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of planning
the process of deciding in detail how to do something before actually starting to do it
Anything is possible with enough time and planning.
The trip needs careful planning.
See also family planning
control by the local government of the way that land is used in an area and of what new buildings are built there
He supported the planning authority in refusing the application because of pressures on the Green Belt.
the concrete deserts created by modern planning at its worst
a masterpiece of 18th-century town planning

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of planning
1. An orderly or step-by-step conception or proposal for accomplishing an objective: a plan for improving math instruction.
2. A proposed or intended course of action: had no plans for the evening.
3. A systematic arrangement of elements or important parts; a configuration or outline: a seating plan; the plan of a story.
4. A drawing or diagram made to scale showing the structure or arrangement of something.
5. In perspective rendering, one of several imaginary planes perpendicular to the line of vision between the viewer and the object being depicted.
6. A program or policy stipulating a service or benefit: a pension plan.
v. planned, plan·ning, plans
1. To formulate a scheme or program for the accomplishment, enactment, or attainment of: plan a campaign.
2. To have as a specific aim or purpose; intend: They plan to buy a house.
3. To draw or make a graphic representation of.
To make plans.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.