Definition of Omphalotus Illudens in English :

Define Omphalotus Illudens in English

Omphalotus Illudens meaning in English

Meaning of Omphalotus Illudens in English

Pronunciation of Omphalotus Illudens in English

Omphalotus Illudens pronunciation in English

Pronounce Omphalotus Illudens in English

Omphalotus Illudens

see synonyms of omphalotus illudens


1. jack-a-lantern, jack-o-lantern, jack-o-lantern fungus, omphalotus illudens

a large poisonous agaric with orange caps and narrow clustered stalks; the gills are luminescent

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.