Definition of Mount Parnassus in English :

Define Mount Parnassus in English

Mount Parnassus meaning in English

Meaning of Mount Parnassus in English

Pronunciation of Mount Parnassus in English

Mount Parnassus pronunciation in English

Pronounce Mount Parnassus in English

Mount Parnassus

see synonyms of mount parnassus


1. liakoura, mount parnassus, parnassus

(Greek mythology) a mountain in central Greece where (according to Greek mythology) the Muses lived; known as the mythological home of music and poetry

Example Sentences:
'Liakoura is the modern name of Mount Parnassus'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Mount Parnassus

see synonyms of mount parnassus
a mountain in central Greece, in NW Boeotia: in ancient times sacred to Dionysus, Apollo, and the Muses, with the Castalian Spring and Delphi on its slopes. Height: 2457 m (8061 ft)
. Modern Greek names: Parnassós (ˌparnaˈsɔs), Liákoura

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