Definition of Letterer in English :

Define Letterer in English

Letterer meaning in English

Meaning of Letterer in English

Pronunciation of Letterer in English

Letterer pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of letterer


1. letterer

a painter of letters

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of letterer
any of a set of conventional symbols used in writing or printing a language, each symbol being associated with a group of phonetic values in the language; character of the alphabet
a written or printed communication addressed to a person, company, etc, usually sent by post in an envelope
▶ Related adjective: epistolary
3.  the letter
4. printing archaic
a style of typeface
a fancy letter
5.  to the letter
to write or mark letters on (a sign, etc), esp by hand
7. (transitive)
to set down or print using letters

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of letterer
verb intransitive
to make hand-printed letters
11.  US, Informal
to earn a school letter as in a sport
a person who lets, or rents out, property
a written or printed symbol employed to represent a speech sound or sounds; character in an alphabet: in some languages, as English, some words contain letters that are no longer sounded
a written or printed message to a person or group, usually sent by mail in an envelope
an official document giving certain authorities or privileges
usually used in pl.
4.  [pl.]
literature generally
learning; knowledge, esp. of literature
strict interpretation of the literal meaning, or the literal meaning itself; exact wording
6.  US
a cloth representation of the first letter of the name of a school or college, awarded and worn for superior performance in sports, etc.
7.  Printing
a type, impression, or photographic reproduction of a character of the alphabet
a particular style of type
verb transitive
to make hand-printed letters on; mark with letters
to letter a poster
to set down in hand-printed letters
to letter one's name

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of letterer
a. A written symbol or character representing a speech sound and being a component of an alphabet.
b. A written symbol or character used in the graphemic representation of a word, such as the h in Thames. See Note at Thames.
2. A written or printed communication directed to a person or organization.
3. often letters A certified document granting rights to its bearer.
4. Literal meaning: had to adhere to the letter of the law.
5. letters (used with a sing. verb)
a. Literary culture; belles-lettres.
b. Learning or knowledge, especially of literature.
c. Literature or writing as a profession.
6. Printing
a. A piece of type that prints a single character.
b. A specific style of type.
c. The characters in one style of type.
7. An emblem in the shape of the initial of a school awarded for outstanding performance, especially in varsity athletics.
v. let·tered, let·ter·ing, let·ters
1. To write letters on: lettered the paper.
2. To write in letters: lettered our name on the mailbox.
1. To write or form letters.
2. To earn a school letter, as for outstanding athletic achievement: She lettered in three collegiate sports.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.