Definition of Kenzo Tange in English :

Define Kenzo Tange in English

Kenzo Tange meaning in English

Meaning of Kenzo Tange in English

Pronunciation of Kenzo Tange in English

Kenzo Tange pronunciation in English

Pronounce Kenzo Tange in English

Kenzo Tange

see synonyms of kenzo tange


1. kenzo tange, tange

Japanese architect (born in 1913)

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Kenzo Tange

see synonyms of kenzo tange
Japanese architect. He designed the Peace Center and Park (1949-1956) as part of the rebuilding of Hiroshima after World War II. His other designs include the National Gymnasium for the 1964 Olympic Games and St. Mary's Cathedral (1963), both in Tokyo.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.