Definition of Juice Up in English :

Define Juice Up in English

Juice Up meaning in English

Meaning of Juice Up in English

Pronunciation of Juice Up in English

Juice Up pronunciation in English

Pronounce Juice Up in English

Juice Up

see synonyms of juice up


1. ginger up, jazz up, juice up, pep up

make more interesting or lively

Example Sentences:
'juice up a party'
'pep up your paper'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Juice Up

see synonyms of juice up
verb (tr, adverb)
1. US slang
to make lively
to juice up a party
2. (often passive)
to cause to be drunk
he got juiced up on Scotch last night

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers

Juice Up

see synonyms of juice up
to add power, vigor, energy, etc. or interest, excitement, etc. to

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.

Juice Up

see synonyms of juice up
a. A fluid naturally contained in plant or animal tissue: fruit juice; meat braised in its own juices.
b. A bodily secretion: digestive juices.
c. The liquid contained in something that is chiefly solid.
2. A beverage made from fruit juice or fruit-flavored syrup that is often combined with sweeteners, water, or other ingredients.
3. A substance or quality that imparts identity and vitality; essence.
4. Slang Vigorous life; vitality.
5. Slang Political power or influence; clout.
6. Slang
a. Electric current.
b. Fuel for an engine.
7. Slang Funds; money.
8. Slang
a. Alcoholic drink, especially liquor.
b. A substance, such as a steroid, taken to enhance performance in an athletic event.
c. A usually flavored liquid prepared for use in an e-cigarette or similar device.
9. Slang Racy or scandalous gossip.
v. tr. juiced, juic·ing, juic·es
To extract the juice from.
v. intr.
1. To drink alcoholic beverages excessively.
2. To take a steroid or other substance to enhance athletic performance.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.