Definition of Framed in English :

Define Framed in English

Framed meaning in English

Meaning of Framed in English

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see synonyms of framed


1. framed

provided with a frame

Example Sentences:
'there were framed snapshots of family and friends on her desk'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of framed
an open structure that gives shape and support to something, such as the transverse stiffening ribs of a ship's hull or an aircraft's fuselage or the skeletal beams and uprights of a building
an enclosing case or border into which something is fitted
the frame of a picture
the system around which something is built up
the frame of government
the structure of the human body
a condition; state (esp in the phrase frame of mind)
one of a series of individual exposures on a strip of film used in making motion pictures
an individual exposure on a film used in still photography
an individual picture in a comic strip
a television picture scanned by one or more electron beams at a particular frequency
the area of the picture so formed
8. billiards, snooker
the wooden triangle used to set up the balls
the balls when set up
a single game finished when all the balls have been potted
. US and Canadian equivalent (for senses 8a, 8b): rack
9. computing
(on a website) a self-contained section that functions independently from other parts; by using frames, a website designer can make some areas of a website remain constant while others change according to the choices made by the internet user
10.  short for cold frame
one of the sections of which a beehive is composed, esp one designed to hold a honeycomb
a machine or part of a machine over which yarn is stretched in the production of textiles
(in language teaching, etc) a syntactic construction with a gap in it, used for assigning words to syntactic classes by seeing which words may fill the gap
14. statistics
an enumeration of a population for the purposes of sampling, esp as the basis of a stratified sample
(in telecommunications, computers, etc) one cycle of a regularly recurring number of pulses in a pulse train
16. slang another word for frame-up
17. obsolete
shape; form
18.  in the frame
verb (mainly tr)
to construct by fitting parts together
to draw up the plans or basic details for; outline
to frame a policy
to compose, contrive, or conceive
to frame a reply
to provide, support, or enclose with a frame
to frame a picture
to form (words) with the lips, esp silently
24. slang
to conspire to incriminate (someone) on a false charge
25. slang
to contrive the dishonest outcome of (a contest, match, etc); rig
26. (intransitive) Yorkshire and Northeast England dialect
a. (usually imperative or dependent imperative)
to make an effort
to have ability
Janet. 1924–2004, New Zealand writer: author of the novels Owls Do Cry (1957) and Faces in the Water (1961), the collection of verse The Pocket (1967), and volumes of autobiography including An Angel at My Table (1984), which was made into a film in 1990

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of framed
verb transitiveWord forms: framed or ˈframing
to shape, fashion, or form, usually according to a pattern; design
to frame a constitution
to put together the parts of; construct
to put into words; compose; devise; contrive; conceive
to frame an excuse
to utter
his lips framed the words
to adapt for a particular use; adjust; fit
a law framed to equalize the tax burden
to enclose in a border; provide a border for (a mirror, picture, etc.)
to photograph or film (objects or activity) within the limits of the frame (sense 23) frame (sense 23b)
8.  US, Informal
to falsify evidence, testimony, etc. beforehand in order to make (an innocent person) appear guilty
9.  Obsolete
to bring about; cause
verb intransitive
10.  Obsolete
to proceed or succeed; go
a.  Archaic
anything made of parts fitted together according to a design
body structure in general; build
basic or skeletal structure around which a thing is built and that gives the thing its shape; framework, as of a house
the skeletal framework supporting the chassis of some automotive vehicles
cold frame
the case or border into which a window, door, etc. is set and which serves as a structural support
a border, often ornamental, surrounding a picture, etc.; also, the picture or other matter inside such a border
e.  [pl.]
the framing of a pair of eyeglasses; rims
any of various machines built on or in a framework
the way that anything is constructed or put together; organization; form
a set of circumstances that serve as background to an event
condition; state
a bad frame of mind
an established order or system
19.  US, Baseball; Informal
an inning
20.  US, Informal
the act of framing an innocent person
see also frame (sense 8)
21.  Bowling Etc
any of the ten divisions of a game, in each of which the pins are set up anew
22.  Linguistics
a syntactic construction with a blank left in it for testing which words will occur there
23.  US, Cinema
each of the small exposures composing a strip of film
the rectangular image on a film screen, or the particular objects or activity focused on by the camera
24.  Pool
the period of play required to pocket all the balls
25.  Shipbuilding
any of the transverse strengthening members of a ship's hull that extend from the gunwale to the keel
26.  Television
a single scanning of the field of vision by the electron beam
27.  US
having a wooden framework, usually covered with boards
a frame house

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of framed
a. A structure that gives shape or support: the frame of a house.
b. The structure or physique of a human or animal body: a worker's sturdy frame.
c. An open structure or rim for encasing, holding, or bordering: a window frame; the frame of a mirror.
a. A closed, often rectangular border of drawn or printed lines.
b. The edge, usually rectangular, delimiting the boundaries of an image.
c. The bounded area of a visual image, as in photography or film: filled the frame with a cast of thousands.
d. One of the set of still images that constitute a film or video.
e. A single image, as in a comic strip or graphic novel, usually bounded by a rectangular line.
f. Computers A rectangular area in which text or graphics can be shown, especially one of several rectangular areas on a web page displaying different documents simultaneously.
a. A general structure or system: the frame of government.
b. A general state or condition: The news put me into a better frame of mind.
c. A frame of reference.
4. The presentation of events in a narrative work, especially a work of literature or film, such that characters in the narrative exist in isolation, uninfluenced by, unaware of, and unable to interact with the narrator or audience.
5. Linguistics
a. The context in which discourse occurs.
b. A pattern for a syntactic construction in which one of a group of words can vary.
a. A round or period of play in some games, such as bowling and billiards.
b. Baseball An inning.
7. often frames A pair of eyeglasses, excluding the lenses: had new lenses fitted into an old pair of frames.
9. Informal A frame-up.
10. Obsolete Shape; form.
v. framed, fram·ing, frames
a. To enclose in a frame: frame a painting.
b. To put together the structural parts of; construct the frame of: frame a house.
2. To conceive or design: framed an alternate proposal.
3. To establish the context for and terminology regarding (a subject of discussion or debate), especially so as to exclude an unwanted point of view: The question was framed to draw only one answer.
a. To put into words; formulate: frame a reply.
b. To form (words) silently with the lips.
a. To make up evidence or contrive events so as to incriminate (a person) falsely.
b. To prearrange (a contest) so as to ensure a desired fraudulent outcome; fix: frame a prizefight.
c. Baseball To catch (a pitch) in such a way as to make it appear to have passed through the strike zone.
Archaic To go; proceed: "Frame upstairs, and make little din" (Emily Brontë).

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