Definition of Dickie in English :

Define Dickie in English

Dickie meaning in English

Meaning of Dickie in English

Pronunciation of Dickie in English

Dickie pronunciation in English

Pronounce Dickie in English


see synonyms of dickie


1. dickey, dickey-seat, dickie, dickie-seat, dicky, dicky-seat

a small third seat in the back of an old-fashioned two-seater

2. dickey, dickie, dicky, shirtfront

a man's detachable insert (usually starched) to simulate the front of a shirt

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of dickie
n. pl. dick·eys also dick·ies
a. A woman's blouse front worn under a suit jacket or low-necked garment.
b. A man's detachable shirt front.
c. A collar for a shirt.
d. A child's bib or pinafore.
2. Chiefly British
a. The driver's seat on a carriage.
b. A rear seat for servants on a carriage.

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